Friday, September 6, 2019

you can mix any color, including flesh tones (148/365c)

early in the morning, i still had quite a bad headache. at 9:05 i suddenly realized they had to be back in town for the next singschule thing. so i biked them all there and we made it in plenty of time. then back by way of the farmers market.

i was glad to be back home for coffee.

felix and i picked them up too, and stopped at the craft store to buy magenta, yellow and cyan paint. when we got back home (freezing and wet from the sudden rain) i mixed colors for a long time until nina and centa arrived simultaneously. we had tea, and centa went and got last minute things for felix's schultuete (which we will finish decorating tomorrow)

henry and i cooked together, i showed him how to make pancakes, because that's what he wanted for dinner.
happiness for dinner

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