Friday, September 20, 2019

new beginnings (161/365c)

met with brigitta early in the morning. we have so much work to do before next month!

centa and i picked up felix from school. centa brought him a yoyo. At first he was very angry, because today he had been told (incorrectly) that he would walk home on his own but then I realized i had to take him straight to his piano lesson. He became much less angry when Centa presented the yoyo to him and walked him to the stadtpfarrkirche hof and hung out while he did his homework.
felix's first piano lesson was magical, and afterwards we went to kathi's theater production which was just super great.

quintet rehearsal today, where we celebrated olena's breakup with champagne and very little rehearsing.

i didn't take a photo today, but a wrote a poem...
… the morning dew loses its
sparkle on your shoes
and leaves prints on the asphalt
now that your short cut has come to an end

friends across the way greet one another
but not you all alone with wet toes:
your feet cold in thick socks

A cry of a bird, a cock, a crow, or perhaps…

Once in a while you hear a sound
that makes you smile inward
and wonder if you alone
can hear the morning
or if you can only hear it because

You are alone.

-irma 19sep2019

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