Saturday, September 14, 2019

3 hour concert (156/365c)

woke up early to practice before biking to the carpool spot to get to my 9am rehearsal. back home for lunch... just enough time to eat, have a bath and change my clothes. (and removing all the vines from the reisingerhaus - the roof looks very different!)

kids were singing the aufsteirern concert, but i missed it because of my concert which was *3 hours long* - i called it!

from that they had "backstage" bracelet passes, which we pretended meant "backing day" passes.... lots of baking for the great great race party with PIE tomorrow...
preparing for blind baking
they made such beautiful designs... 
oh yeah, and for the concert, at the last minute, i had to borrow a car to take us there, which jackie was nice enough to lend us. after very late post-concertdinner (a very expensive (1/10 of our paycheck!) but pretty good vegan curry) i drove nadja and her sister sarah all the way home past the lkh and then myself. so happy to see my bed.

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