Friday, September 13, 2019

concert anxiety (155/365c)

looked out the window today, and noticed the ivy on the reisingerhaus being cut. WOW. some of it they removed but the rest we have to remove ourselves. it started raining as they chopped, i hope they chopped all of it.

this evening i got myself to past eggenberg, where i walked around the schloss for an hour alone, carrying my (very heavy) viola, and out to a lady i didn't know, so she could drive me to a rehearsal. it was very difficult to play under the conditions at hand... difficult music, and a conductor who seemed surprised when the orchestra made noise. it's gorgeous music, but i'm worried also the concert will be forever. we rehearsed for over three hours and didn't get through everything. we also didn't rehearse really very much, mostly just ran through things. got back pretty late, after car, tram, bus, walk.

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