Tuesday, September 17, 2019

i should have taken a picture when the sun was shining (159/365c)

a lesson with elke, first in a long time. we worked on only 1 piece. she said to come back tomorrow.

picked up felix on my way home. we met pauli and had coffee and sat together in the sun (at the old suesse luisa, which is now called cafe lenz and isn't as nice but still has fabulous sun and fabulous coffee) while felix did his homework.

henry was supposed to have a lesson but i didn't confirm with nadja, so she didnt come. that upset henry just a little bit but he took it in stride. then, ingrid cz came by and chatted with brian, to try to get him to join her multi-layer-marketing company instead of finding a typical job, and meanwhile i put away the chess game, which turned out to be a disaster because henry had been waiting (first patiently for nadja, and now patiently for brian) to finish that game. he basically cried himself to sleep, and i felt so bad, because i really couldn't fix the problem that i created myself.

brian had choir and i had an evening to update my blog and chat with my dear papa on skype for the first time in a long time...

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