Monday, September 9, 2019

first day of school (151/365c)

brian just barely slept, his flixbus arrived in graz at 3am and the kids were up and excitedly awake at 6am ready for the first day of school. 
on no sleep. i also had a huge bag and more things to carry.
Henry and Theodore showing Felix the way
Felix's grin is nearly splitting him in two
we picked felix up after two hours and opened his schultuete, and listened to a very excited kid tell us that "the first hour passed like 1 minute and the second hour passed like 10 minutes..."

... very happy till he got to choir. there he is separated from the older two kids, who have both graduated to the older group. he didn't know anybody there, and he just played outside until it was time to go home.i was quite grumpy about that.

meanwhile i had gone with the older two to carla and where henry fell in love with a jacket and i didn't buy it because i didn't have enough cash. with brian, i went back a half an hour later, and and did buy it. they seemed to think it was a bit funny that i was back with a different set of people, and buying different things and having someone else pay, but they kept their thoughts to themselves.

i thought it would be nice to play chess with brian tonight, but it turned into the longest chess game ever, and i essentially just gave up out of impatience (my story - if he wants his side told he should keep his own blaaag)

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