Thursday, May 9, 2019

zauberfloete premier (27/365c)

henry came home from school so sad, because he had been made fun of for his haircut and for his cool zebra socks :(

i rustled everyone up to get to the zauberfloete in the minoriteensaal. i first took the older kids to singschuhle and then henry waited for me to do the sound check and then we walked around the kunsthaus bookstore together critiquing postcards.

during the performance one kid just kept trying to have a conversation with the flautist ... what's your name? how long have you played the flute? do you like playing the flute? etc. i was cracking up. another kid cried everytime papageno came on stage... i think he was scared.
my debut at the minoritensaal
yay from the pit
If your majesty doth ask it, 
I will tell about the basket with a
willo willo wailey and a nonny nonny 

henry walking home with agnes 

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