Monday, May 13, 2019

bon voyage agnes and felix and mary (32/365c)

It's actually Henry's birthday today, and we sent him to school this morning with 30 "boring" cookies that mary and i made at midnight.
I left for my normal Monday madness a bit earlier than usual, and said my goodbyes...
Mary took Felix and Agnes to Slovenia with her for the next 10 days. I already miss him.
not ready to leave yet
one more game of schwarzer peter - with new rules:
take the peter card out and just take each other's cards until you have pairs
quite often there is a tie for number of pairs.
Right after my pre-poned lesson I played another performance of the magic flute, waited around a bit for theodore's lesson, we went home and had just enough time to eat. then choir and recital time. Salon Erfurt and I played Rebecca Clarke and Theodore played his little concertino. We thought about going out for ice cream afterwards but it was so cold and rainy we went for a glass of wine instead and Theodore went home with Brian and Henry. Ice cream another time.

I was totally beat when I got home, but i watched the 3 and a half minutes of my clarke, that brian had cell phone recorded. before i went to sleep. It was pretty decent. Especially for the first time!

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