Tuesday, May 28, 2019

an action-packed weekday (47/365c)

day started with a pretty terrible parent teacher conference where we scheduled a day for felix to say goodbye to kindergarten for the last time. the process has been so long and tedious for us. i was so emotionally exhausted, and it was only half an hour!
completely easy and happy
fresh herbs he cut himself
and an umbrella from nature
we celebrated henry's birthday with his friends, and i was so grateful that mama made the cake for him. she wrote "henry" on it in buttercream, and it was two huge layers and henry was overjoyed.
Henry with friends
they read a theater play "kasperl soll geburtstag feiern" aloud to us adults, and started a craft project with wool that they gave up on entirely. brian took felix to his chorus rehearsal. the rest of us ran directly to the grazer congress to hear Ivan Eröd's concert fantasy with elke as soloist. a very rarely performed work, which was pretty stunning. there was a 30 minute talk instead of a 20 minute intermission and i didn't know if henry would fall asleep, but he didn't, and we saw the holberg suite and walked home.

we found we were locked out again (second time this week!) but by chance brian arrived 10 minutes later carrying felix.

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