Monday, May 20, 2019

i need to practice! (39/365c)

at 9am the carpet guy rang the doorbell and collected our rug to clean it. i really really didn't want to wake up yet. i really really really didn't want to have any lesson today but i did. i think i'm still tired
from saturday's party.
theodore doing his work before his lesson
henry spent some of his reading/book money and bought new books with me at carla (the charity thrift similar to goodwill). i got one book about drawing/anatomy. it's a huge heavy tome, but since they just weigh books, we got about 8 books for 6 euros, which is just incredible.

Henry also wanted to take a photo of us while we washed the dishes
we wanted to go for a bike ride but it rained again, pretty much exactly when i said we should be getting ready.

our evening entertainment was duck soup, at which theodore laughed and giggled like crazy, but henry sat there and stared without a smile, at some point asking "how stupid is he?" (harpo)

also we heard that jacky and andi's baby is here. it's a boy (i knew it!), vito. :)

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