Sunday, May 12, 2019

Happy Birthday, Henry!(31/365c)

awoke to being showered with mother's day presents in bed. so many cute made-in-school stuff. all the crafty things made felix want to make things too, so he started making party hats for tonight, which mary escalated with her creativity to include paper pompoms and other decorations.

i went right from a zauberfloete to the opera... well i tried to. first i stopped on the way to get a cup of coffee and see manuela a bit early before the opera started. right after she arrived i get a text saying the family is coming without felix (who will just have to stay home with centa) because he is having a tantrum. oh no. so i bike home, bring felix, bike back to the opera with felix on the back of the bike.  25 minutes round trip including changing my clothes and getting felix's shoes and helmet and concert shirt on, in a terrible wind storm. #givemecompliments! centa made it at the last minute too!

Henry birthday party - we celebrated when we got back from the opera. it was actually a ballet choreographed to haydn's "seasons" oratorio. it was very amazing and very cool.

the tenor soloist singing "winter"
Agnes would be glad to help blowing out the candles
Most impressive headgear
Theodore is trying to be as bewitching as Mary
Do you like my party hat?
For his birthday Henry wanted nothing so much as the book called "Das Schoenste Ei der Welt" by Helme Heine. I don't particularly care for the book. Among several quibbles: one of the hens lays a cubic egg - which is called a 'four-sided' egg." But who am I to say what other people can like? Henry was overjoyed, and was very happy to read it outloud a few times.
The most beautiful book in the world
Manuela brought some crafts for the kids
Agnes finished hers with great care and was very happy with the result

I still can't believe he's eight!

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