Saturday, May 4, 2019

early morning, late night (21/365c)

i head to leave really really really early in the morning, so i could pick up the kids from wienerstrasse, bring them home, get them ready for school, and then walk with them to school with felix (who's a bit slower of course) so we could all do the first communion music rehearsal with henry's class.

at home i drew myself a bubble bath and that was exactly when mary and agnes arrived. oh it was so lovely to see them again, all fresh from their sleep on the night train. also it made logistics much easier. i went to see marko play his nirvana show again (at lendwirbel, and somehow at 4pm) .... mary took the kids to abenteuerspielplatz which turned out to be closed. i had thought the nirvana concert was going to be much too loud for kids, and i was right - but that didn't stop many many people from bringing their kids and putting them in the front row to watch, right by the speakers. pauli found me there and he knew 2 of the band members too - small graz world!

mary and the kids found us there, and i taught them when to jump up and down and yell "HEEEEY" which we did for one song and thankfully the concert ended there and we didn't have to worry about long term hearing loss. Agnes remarked that it was "just like jingle bells" (consider a heavy metal version of jingle bells)

theodore played for possible consideration for a music scholarship at the conservatory. results dont come in until next month.

one more zauberfloete rehearsal, there were 4 musicians there this time.

trying to reach tante lala to wish her a happy birthday
it didn't work. :(
well anyways, happy belated birthday if you read this, tante lala!

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