Thursday, May 2, 2019

day off on the riegersburg (19/365c)

Manuela and Dorian picked me up nice and early to go climb up the side of the Riegersburg. There were one or two tiny stressful moments, but the rest of it was just glorious, and the day was breathtakingly beautiful. Only downside of the gorgeous weather and the national holiday was that there were a lot of people out.

my one moment where i took a break and dared take my camera out of my backpack.
Manuela was in full on concentration mode.

we walked around the burg for a while after we got to the top, and then headed to the one Buschenschank in the area that was open.

just the dessert would have been plenty of food, but we had wine and a full dinner before these pretties got to us.
meanwhile Brian took the kids to frisbee practice, and after everything we all met at lendwirbel.
to the non-stop sound of 2 hours of african drumming
we hung out for hours in the street playing football and when it was late and we were way overtired we walked very slowly home. went to bed feeling sick and with a headache ugg but i was in such a good mood from climbing!

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