Thursday, May 16, 2019

tosca premier (35/365c)

they are hiding ice cream cones behind their backs.
As Theodore has pointed out, it's not technically a "premiere" it's a "wiederaufnahme" because the opera is just rerunning a performance that was successful about 5 years ago. But technically theodore and henry weren't in it then, and it's their first time singing tosca, and anyways, it's henry's first time at all, and we were very excited and very proud of them.

getting them there was a bit of a saga because henry went home by himself from singschule instead of waiting for me, but i didn't know that. then we went and hung out at the church across the street where irmtraud was helping organize a grilling event for church youth - funny story, we didn't fit in. we didn't belong there really at all for any reason/demographic. there was an organ concert that night that i decided to go to. the organist and the page turner both know me, but neither of them could place me for a moment because i was so totally out of context. i had to leave before the last piece so i could walk across the street and pick up my very exhausted but happy and talkative kids. we were going to toast with apple juice when we got home, but it was just too late at that point so we postponed till tomorrow morning. brian was at frisbee until very very late, he came home having won one and lost one game.

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