Tuesday, May 7, 2019

yay yay brian's back! (25/365c)

late last night i asked theodore if he had worked on his annual book presentation for school - this should not be a problem for him, he reads basically non-stop. no he hadn't worked on it, or even started it, and it is early this morning, so i awoke at quarter of six to the sounds of him getting his poster ready and trying (a bit angrily) to find the passage of the book he wants to read aloud. am i really raising a terrible procrastinator?

i met with an oboist to play some new music that we might use for the first communion. one telemann canon (my idea) and a whole new table-canon by a composer i had never heard of, Paul Wetzger, - her idea. it was a pretty cool piece, but when i tried to play it with mary she was not to be convinced of its coolness. not surprising, since it is a lot of effort if you have to try to transpose and then try to play with me, not a cellist, not good at transposing, and doing a bad job at it.

we were all very happy when brian was home again, although he was pretty tired. we had so much to show him:
felix can read this book
agnes built this tower taller than any of us
henry wants to pick out sports activities
theodore wants to use brian's phone to sign up for a scientific study
(and to verify that he has a ticket so we don't have to pay a 100euro fine
because he got stopped when he had forgotten his ticket)
brian's choir was simultaneously with my rehearsal with quintet.... saw our new video which will be uploaded tomorrow and released on friday. poor mary was on the short end of the logistics stick again.

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