Wednesday, May 22, 2019

picnic in the park (41/365c)

Today Mama arrived in Ljubljana. We called in sick so we could leave shortly before 9am (after way too little sleep, and early morning so i could bake bread and a cake) .... and while brian was hanging up the phone on school the phone beeped and it turns out mama was arriving several hours later.

new plans. leave anyway but meet up with mary's family (and felix!) and martin chose a place, a lake we could walk around, a mere 8km from the airport. a very idyllic place.

idyllic, surrounded by mountains, nearly deserted
agnes asked: are we stinking cute?

how many types of clouds can we count here?

after a gorgeous picnic lunch together (together without mama, since her flight was delayed for several hours), complete with sunbathing and wading, we got mama at the airport and sang, to the tune of "alles schweiget"

" Schau! Da fliegt sie
Grossmutter liebste

Wer gerne singen mag
Zu den Geburtstag
Hilft mit dem jetlag
Am Nachmittag " - Mary's idea and text

We enjoyed the rather spectacular lightning show on our drive from the airport to the hotel in Ljubljana, and after a terrific downpour we had a cake and whipped cream picnic in the Park. Although not the park we were expecting. Luckily Mama's hotel was named "the Park" and they let us soaked people have a room.

brian was the soakedest because he bought the cream in the downpour
the flowers were a joint all day effort
Pizza for dinner, very late drive home, the guy we rented the car from told us he wouldn't wait up for us and we would have to bring it back very early tomorrow. better for us. 

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