Saturday, May 11, 2019

henry's first communion (30/365c)

Exactly 12AM *on the dot* this morning:
- boo! surprise! I'm dressed
- umm..felix it's midnight,
- oh, it is?
- yes, you have to go back to sleep
- for how long?
- umm.. about 8 hours
- really?
why oh why does time have to go so fast? yesterday henry was saying he "wants it to be tomorrow", and i wast just thinking "no no no no not yet, please not so fast"! But here is today, and it's Henry's first communion, and it's even already over and done with. Waaay too fast.

undercoffeed in the morning  - theodore and i played, i had coffee with me, but it didn't get drunk. we didn't find mary till we were in the crowd afterwards. mostly we were just glad to get out of there and home again.

i quickly made cake and dinner and we had a relaxing time eating in the garden.
family photo

Centa and Henry
oblaten cake, with henry's bee candle
The grande fork trading before cake can begin
Felix and Agnes
after the zauberfloete in the evening, i wanted to go hang out with pauli but i gave up because it was so darn late and i was still editing my website for the quintet and going through a billion photos. instead i spent some time updating my blog (still dangerously behind) and having a sad glass of wine by myself.

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