Saturday, May 6, 2017

weirdness (27/365a)

long story short, wanted to go to a play with centa tonight, but it was sold out, and i was already a little tipsy so we walked around the city instead and ended up at a late-night art market.
yum! a collaborative effort, sauce that manuela brought me from her neighbor in romania and rice that felix helped me prepare*
(felix measures a bowl of dry rice and puts it in a pot, then measures a bowl of peas and puts that in a pot, spilling extra peas all over the floor and then painstakingly adding them one at a time to the pot - time passes, meal is cooked)
me: do you remember how we cooked the rice?
felix: no, i forgot.
me: one bowl of rice and one bowl of peas
felix: no two bowls of peas. one normal bowl of peas and one floor bowl of peas.

best let sleeping ducks lie. (i don't know either, did i mention the half bottle of wine i drank?)
we passed weird things on the way home.
an art gallery where a man was loudly explaining that nipples should not be shown, so he had created a brass bra.
an opticians shop opening complete with cake pops and a dj, where nobody could dance or move around because of all the glasses on display.
and then the kunsthouse (modern art museum) filled with people buying way overpriced drinks, jewelry and fashion from all over europe.
and i do mean packed!
and i do mean weird!

so to get out of the crowd we went up to the "needle" (really a big bulge made of glass) to find it closed, and the manager looked at my puppy eyes and camera and told me i could hang out while they cleaned up.
after i took this:
behind the glass
he tapped me on the shoulder and said "you want to take a better picture? come with me." and unlocked the roof of the kunsthouse so that centa and i could have the place to ourselves, and offered us champagne (which i had to say no to....... :( :( :( )
so i could take this:
on the roof

not exactly a stellar photo, but man what a story, what a moon, what a night!

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