Thursday, May 4, 2017

keep practicing practicing (26/365a)

The day was full of fun. I didn't drink any coffee yesterday, and suffered from withdrawals, so this morning I had a leisurely coffee and practice session before a quick rehearsal.
a full day of work for brian
when the kids came home we played, and came inside when it started to hail. felix was very proud later to say that he ate it and it was "very good"
i practiced and practiced and practiced
they got ready for bed and brian went out to an esperanto meet up.
manuela came over, and we read the kids to bed (awww!) and drank wine, and made a party of it.

apparently yesterday i had written my sister labeeby a happy belated birthday message even though it was her birthday. i could have sworn yesterday was the fourth. so today i had to write a happy belated birthday message AGAIN which was kind of funny if you think about it.

we also concluded that "thank you" is infinitely better than "thanx" (which is somehow sometimes worse than nothing at all.)

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