Sunday, May 14, 2017

Mother's Day (36/365a)

Woke up to find that Nick had left by jumping over our fence at 7:20 for an 8:30 train (a 10 minute walk away) so I chased after him to say goodbye like in the movies. (remember how late we stayed up the night before?)

I found him 5 minutes before the train left:

There is no way anyone could find someone in a full airport like in the movies. I barely found him and I knew where he was going, when he left, and which train he was taking, in spite of him being tall, easily recognizable, the train station small, and mostly empty on a sunday morning. 

came back to find Nick had emailed me some pictures in time for mothers day.
theodore and henry up late the night before.
heading out to a concert.

i didn't have a birthday cake so melon would have to do.
found out we could eat the seeds of a cantelope.
brought a tealight with me so mary could have a wish.
somehow we all got to the schlossberg, though we ended up leaving in shifts. kids first. late breakfasters next.

now to get us all home in the rain.

the rain started. it was cold. kids and others left, mary and martin and agnes went home (already!! A 14 hour visit! :( :( ) steve and bri and i soaked in (pun, haha!) some history and cobblestones and graz-sights, enjoyed some thai food, and decided not to go to Norma, the currently showing opera, apparently staged set now and with a lot of AK-47s and fire.

Watched the Philadelphia Story instead with plenty of wine and styrian ice cream (vanilla ice cream drenched in pumpkin seeds and pumpkin seed oil)

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