Sunday, May 7, 2017

lendwirbl (29/365a)

today is represented by a blurry picture that i post-sharpened like crazy because it's late at night and there's not so much light
today is represented by brian because he's still awake and he was with me all day and because he's wearing his new sweater that he bought with me at lendwirbl (which i think is technically a "women's" sweater, but at a gender-free flea market anything goes. What do you think? Don't you think he looks super cute in it? does it bother you that the buttons are on the opposite side from what they are supposed to be?

it was supposed to be a day of cleaning today, because i nearly forgot i had a show to play at the opera. i was quite impressed because the oboeist was a substitute and sightread the entire show, including very complicated cuts and recitatives. , then i got coffee in the sun afterwards with michi and raphi who were very happy with their opera experience.

I fixed a pair of gloves that Henry had saved from the side of the road near the trash while Henry practiced the cello. Theodore keeps insisting that I don't practice with him. (Maybe a certain mothersdayholiday has him being particularly extra independent?)

I counted my kids on my fingers, 1 2 3, Theo, Henry, Felix, and Felix told me laughing that he was the biggest. I said he was silly. He said he wasn't being silly. I realized I had used my Thumb for Theo, my Index finger for henry and my middle finger for felix, so by that rubric felix is the biggest.

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