Wednesday, May 10, 2017

but i did anyway (31/365a)

blurry, tired, and camera-shy
Gorgeous day but sick.
saw coincidentally that joshua bell was playing tonight so i somehow mustered up the courage to take theodore and get standing-room tickets. i guess the soles of his shoes are old, because they disintegrated on the ground where we were standing. oops.
too tired to stay for the (not the suite, the entire) firebird but i did anyway.
too tired to go anywhere afterwards, but i did anyway - two places! - first to a place where they had dancing, and i did 2 lindyhop dances, and then to a new smoky irish pub, where i stammered ordering a soda water - because it's something i don't ever do.
too tired to walk home but did anyways. i unlocked the gate, went inside, and a taxi stopped in front of it and waited. straaange... sent hannah this text....
"Got home. A taxi showed up at my door at the same time. Weird. Oh. It's my sister."

i think i will go to sleep with cough drops by my bed.

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