Tuesday, May 2, 2017

more more more (24/365a)

as felix did, so did i. i wanted my hair cut.(remember pedro?)
i brought theodore to yoga with me, and the whole time i just kept imagining my hair disappearing (odd i know)
theodore adored yoga, yay!
i got home and started chopping my hair off, and then i felt done
and brian pointed out ummm it looks a bit ragged in the back.
well if *brian* noticed it must be true, so i rigged my camera up and asked him to fix it while we listened to some old radio shows.


  1. Nooooooooooooo.....why??? Why did you cut your pretty hair? No! :(

  2. Irma, I am reading your blog from beginning to now. I was very confused to see Brian cutting your hair and thought to myself, "What happened to Irma flipping her head upside down and cutting it by herself in the shower?" Then I read the words and laughed. Good to know that some things never change... <3

  3. Also, I love you two. So much love in this photo...
