Wednesday, May 24, 2017

to spontaneity (46/365a)

"to spontaneity" was our toast tonight, made with schilcher wine over a dinner of salad plucked from our overgrown garden and pizza made with yummy vegetable sauce. With Michi and Jackie and Andi. (plus kids)

weirdest moment today:
was when i was walking our kids (and a friend, that is, 1 adult and 4 kids) to chorus i saw someone we knew parking right in front of our house on their way to walk somewhere else, so i walked with her kids too, while she got a parking ticket and at the same time, two people with bicycles (mom with 1 kid, and a mom with 2 kids) came from opposite sides of the street, both of whom i knew, while another car, driven by a guy i knew (with his kid in the backstreet) drove past us all waving. count them all: 5 adults, 10 kids, all in a 1m stretch of road. woah.

I found out felix's "real name" today. we have heard for about 3 weeks an angry felix saying "i'm NOT felix" and when we ask "what's your name?" he says "i won't tell you." or "i'll only tell grandpapa"

here's his name: Feefee Felix Boom Boom Rabio Auto Schluessel die ganze Welt und Charlie Chaplin
  ("just remember that")
swinging on the fence door to say goodbye
we found a hedgehog (well, Ruby the dog did) and waited quite a while for it to remove itself from the driveway so our friends could leave. Then the kids swung the gate open, and waved.

Blauer Heinrich
Blauer Heinrich (literally Blue Henry, or colloquially Drunk Henry) is a magical cake that contains no alcohol despite its name. It's made with plumsauce, or prunesauce, which is like applesauce, made with no sugar (don't worry there's plenty of sugar in the cake), the germans call it "pflaumenmus" but good luck finding it in austria, because here it is called "powidl" and they "translate" that to "zwetchgenmus"... I didn't find it or know any of that before today. Manuela found it, and bought it, in her hometown in Romania. I turned it into this lovely yumlicious thing, that Manuela didn't have time to come eat today, but it was so so yummy and I saved her a piece. Jackie added the tomatoes... spontaneously as an afterthought.

elderflower champagne in the making

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