Sunday, May 21, 2017

a different kind of hike (43/365a)

INSTEAD of a fast pace and early start and well planned snacks
IT'S pace of a person on crutches and 3 year olds with tantrums, a late start, and a hodgepodge of random food. with 2 dogs and 5 kids and 4 adults it takes us an hour to go a single km. rain-gear packed and carried but we all get sunburns

but it's still wonderful.

idyllic. our children never quarrel or cry

the lovely couple who had the hiking idea

Felix with Zorah
me reaching out to a really strange sculpture with herbs growing on the back/top (depending on how you look at it)

decided to stay at their place for dinner, but headed out for a coffee with manuela and dorian. it took me 12 minutes to get from jacky and andi's house to lendplatz, including a stop at home to shower, change and pick up my camera keys and wallet. World Record!
bird-eating sparrows seen at the cafe.


  1. Oh no, it's the Donald Duck tragedy / travesty all over again!

    also: well done on the Jako -> Lend trip! Golden medal for sure!

  2. haha, donald duck!

    (and, well, jako to lend would be super insane, but actually it was just from froebel park, so not so far.)
