Friday, May 12, 2017

a whirlwind tour that blows only good (34/365a)

too ---- many ---- pictures ---- to ---- post! (and so many of them are not even on my camera)

we wanted to start the day with 3 breakfasts, but we gave up after one (a breakfast outside in the garden where Brian and I between us bought rolls three times)

Nick and I hiked the Plabutsch and down to Thalersee, where we had to wait for the bus.
Full bright sun + giant rain drops = my favorite weather

playing with cameras reflections and advertisements while waiting for the bus
got home in time to change into fancy clothes and go to the Rathaus to play the Europahymne for a meeting of the Junior Parliament. At no time when they asked me to play did they use the word "junior" so i was quite surprised to be greeted by some teenagers. They were very earnest, gave their speeches and afterwards Nick and I were allowed on the magical balcony that overlooks the main square in Graz. That was cool. 
Nick holding Felix while reading "Eeyore Has a Birthday" to Henry on the night before his birthday
we still wanted to go out one more time so we ended up at the Herzl. Cecilia and Nina also came after watching the show Orlando. We had a nice walk home afterwards.
our little group.
on the walk home i stopped for this
in spite of seeing it so many times before. 

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