Wednesday, May 24, 2017

learning (45/365a)

uninspired today. asked brian what i should take a photo of, and he said "our dirty feet" so i sat on the floor for 20 minutes taking pictures of dirty feet. don't worry, you don't have to look at them. funny thing is, they are not even that dirty. i biked around barefoot and walked around on grass barefoot, and they aren't *clean* per se, but i've seen them much much worse. like when i tamped a walkway of mud and stones with my barefeet once.

but i'm learning things.
i'm learning to stop what i'm doing in the moment to make the rest of the moments better.
i am not left-handed

(like stopping to write in am important fingering that works so well right now and that i'll "never forget" until .... tomorrow.)

i'm learning to aim for perfection but not suffer if it's not attained by my arbitrary deadlines.

i'm learning to accept a certain amount of un-inspiration, un-motivation or un-creativity sometimes.

i'm learning that you can hold every minute precious even if once in a while there are some minutes that are not filled with magic or productivity.

i'm learning that even if you have 30 pictures of dirty feet you don't have to post a single one. it's enough to have tried and failed in that case. and it's ok to move on to the next thing photo and accept the magic of the dud.

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