Wednesday, May 3, 2017

under construction (25/365a)

theodore led the section at our retirement home concert today. we bought him new pants on the way since he is growing so fast he only has one pair, and that was muddy on the knees.

on the way home i took a whole series of abstract construction site images. two more on flickr

Construction sites were a major theme of today. 3 non-abstract cases in point.
a) an extra 30 minutes in the car because of a road construction detour around a mountain on the way to kindergarten (which is on the mountain
b) missing theodore on my way to get him from kindergarten because he was walking a different way because "his" bridge was under construction
c) these pictures, because the oldfolks home is in the middle of gigantic several-year construction site at the new hospital.

after the concert, they gave us vegetarian sandwiches. last year they gave us vegetarian sandwiches filled with deli-meat. upon request it was "really vegetarian" this year, including the bacon sprinkled on top.(!!!)

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