Monday, May 8, 2017

as time goes by (30/365a)

"put your heads together and smile"
cranky day overall, but not bad. headed out with these two jokers to watch me play my first "kons" recital. (stamitz, it went ok, kids behaved except for a little bit of stuffy-nose-loud-sniffling in the front row)
at home, insta-bed time, except for us adults, who went to our weekly lindy-hop class, which is going so well and is so fun!

lilacs are done blooming
time goes by so fast.... lilacs remind me of this past photo and of this past photo
bonus poem for today

Apologize to the lilacs
if the confession gives you serenity
they won't understand
but they will listen quietly
while you tell them
you should have spent more time
near them
while they were bursting
with blossom and scent
apologize to the lilacs
tell them next year will be different
you will stay near all spring
enjoy them
next year
apologize and tell them
next year will be different.
 -irma 8may2017


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Lovely poem <3 Reminded me of Whitman's lines:

  3. oh wow! thanks for sharing! <3
