Saturday, May 30, 2020

theodore's new car (151/365d)

barbaras kids came over for several hours while barbara and her husband worked on moving their apartment, and everyone all played nicely together including sword fights and basement building and other delightful moments.

theodore made a new car out of scraps, mostly stuff found in the street at various times.

phone contacts gone, had to go through a years worth of messages to figure out who was who...
attempt at capturing the moments
brian had a conference all day, but he took a break to go to spar since that's of course going to be closed for the next few days because of the holiday. we watched the living planet episode about grasses without him.
i had a headache all day. :(

hilarious text message exchange of the day, starting yesterday night.....

Kris:So it seems the US is deteriorating rapidly... Wanna talk about it next week?
Irma: Im not sure i want to..
i mean, i would love to chat/talk
but ...... that subject may be a bit.........

<the next morning>

Kris: Haha, naw that's fine, we can just chat too. I'm surprised at myself for how the situation is affecting me despite knowing very little about my own countries
Irma: :) we can do some real talking about the state of the us to......
Kris: Oh no! Are you breaking up with me?
Irma: State of the United States
Capitalization be damned and capitalism too
Kris: It's hilarious that even on my own topic, I choose to assume the mistake is "the" and not the "US" 😂🙈

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