Sunday, May 17, 2020

Falkenweg again (137/365d)

Henry and I fixed his little digital camera today, and he was overjoyed. We had to realign the battery compartment. All the photos from today are from him.

Then, after Brian had gone for our grocery shopping we agreed as a family to go back to Falkenweg and this time go all the way to the summit (I'm sure it has a name, but we don't know it)
a dead lizard... they all found it beautiful
summit! repeat of yesterday's photo

this time we had money for strawberries
and this time we found TONS of strawberries on the way up.
and even cherries.

everyone was in such a good mood, but we came home pretty tired. unfortunately we missed the chance to play bridge with grandpapa. After bath night we finally reached Mary to wish her a happy birthday from yesterday.

i felt very panicky about working on some sheet music for the buffaloes, because we actually HAVE a gig in august, and I can't play a lot of the stuff yet....

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