Tuesday, May 12, 2020

porcelain (133/365d)

ronja came over in the morning to do schoolwork - that was fine until jackie came to join us for dinner and she melted down and they had to leave, which was sad as i had just finished making chickpea curry for 10 and now we were only 6.

kids organized cd-shelves for felix (didn't take the desk upstairs - cleaned the shelves themselves and moved them upstairs all on their own)

we head the doorbell around 4 as i was getting motivated to walk into town, and it was nina who kindly agreed to walk with me although she had just come from there. ... two stores for henry's presents - my first stores in 2 months. first mask wearing in public... it gets hot super fast!

and speaking of "hot" ... it's really hot. and since we are one of the ice saints, and once a day somebody reminds me that we are in the week of the eisheiligen......

read the jungle book together

i ran with theodore getting back just in time for meeting bruno - a guy who loves music and loves oru quintet, and i "met" him for the first time, and he wants me to make a viola track for him for the a piece he calls porcelain - he asked me what i knew about porcelain and i told him i can see my hand through it and he exclaimed "yes! exactly! you understand perfectly!"
you can see my hand through it!
talked to alex for 2 hours - also hadn't talked to her in forever. we had a lot of catch-up to do, but mostly we just talked about books we'd read recently.

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