Friday, May 29, 2020

embracing imperfection (150/365d)

recorded bob corbet's "music for one lonely viola"....... recorded it 3 times today.... and was never actually satisfied, but finally posted it on youtube with really shaky macro video footage from several days ago. every once in a while a frame stands out as special. but mostly just blurry and shaky. sometimes i just have to embrace imperfection to preserve my sanity.
a still frame

nina came over for a quick coffee right before the kids came home from school. we had bread and honey for breakfast.
nadja came over for real for the first time in months. henry was happy to have a real lesson and show her his new music.

manuela and dorian came over to say goodbye on their way back to darmstadt.

brian had a conference that went late, so i used that time to talk to nick which i haven't in forever. we played around with switching music and audio for music videos....

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