Sunday, May 24, 2020

lost and found again(145/365d)

felix and henry and theodore put on an acrobatics show for manuela and centa. - felix hurt himself falling off a beam onto the table. after a minute or two they were back up to their monkey tricks.
acrobatics in a bowtie
emerging to take a bow
Then Manuela showed us the Urwald in St.Peter, which was just an impressive array of strange trees. we then walked from there to schloss lustbuehel. it was a very wonderful and relaxing day. the only thing that could have improved it was less road walking, but the kids handled it quite well, and we kept finding wild strawberries along the way.
in the shade of the sequoia
in the bamboo woods
showing everyone the peacock spider
in the meantime our annoying neighbors cut our elder tree again, way over their line and threw the stuff over the fence into our yard. grr.

My dear papa proposed a math problem chat with the kids, the first problem in the book he chose was quite hard, giving brian, me and grandpapa a longer time solving it than we expected, and needing the use of modulo 47.

theodore and i then went to practice and i showed him some fiddle tricks too, while i was at it.
i playing sleeve shirt wars with the kids, which was kind of fun, we put our arms into our shirts and fight using just the sleeves.

the saga of the missing ring
suddenly i noticed my wedding ring was missing.. i was devastated. somehow i couldn't imagine a scenario where it had gone missing in the urwald or in the bus, yet i hadn't been anywhere else, and our house isn't so big. i retraced the few steps i had had but didn't find anything.
Then felix said that if it had fallen on something soft we wouldn't have heard it, and we had been play fighting on the bed, on which his blanket had been, so i should shake out his blanket. so i did, and there it was. found by logic. i told him i would sleep better. and i will. especially as brian and i are going to have a glass of champagne now to celebrate our triumph over material loss.

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