Wednesday, May 20, 2020

and the moral of the story is .... (141/365d)

we painted rocks before school.... a school project that i had ignored and not done, each kid had to paint 3 rocks for some project that's happening now. i just havent had the energy in the last weeks to prod *more* for school stuff. we were always barely finishing the bare minimum. we were doing plenty of other things, but this rock collecting and painting thing in addition was just one more overwhelming thing for me. my reward for procrastinating was sitting on the floor at 6:30 with poster paint, and doing it for them, trying to do it in a way that they didn't all look like *i* made them... so much for my saying years ago that i would "never" do that.

manuela was here for a morning together, and then we picked up the kids from school and went to two food markets, asian and romanian... we actually didn't take the kids from school. theodore and felix wanted to buy strawberries at the farmers market (but found none there) and henry didn't want to go with them so he went home alone in the other direction.

when we were on our (now essentially daily) inline skating time felix pointed out what he thought were stinkmorcheln (stinkhorn mushroom), but they were actually spitzmorcheln (black morels)! we collected them and took them home to dry a bit...
part of the bounty
another photo by henry
we had thai tea time in the garden (we had been saving some teabags my mama had sent in a letter when she was in thailand for an appropriate sharing day, and that was today.)

felix gathered elderflowers for syrup and centa played cards with theodore henry and felix
some friends from down the street picked up theodore for some games

henry wanted a new ring tone for the shared phone (which will get very little use for the rest of the school year) - his entire bach prelude! so i recorded that for him...

i talked to bruno one more time before recording his piece and sending it to him... it took some effort to get the levels right, and some courage to send a raw recording of myself without any kind of enhancement.

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