Wednesday, May 13, 2020

A miserable happy birthday (134/365d)

It was just a truly wonderful birthday celebration... unfortunately, it started with a series of mishaps. Henry cried for a long time because of a misunderstanding, during which time we kind of forgot that organ lessons were starting on zoom, so i had to interrupt my comforting time to fix that. then i went to bake a cake, and didn't have the ingredients so i went to the spar (my first time in weeks... months?) and bought them. back home and asked when henry wanted for dinner, and first we didn't have the equipment (my blender is busted and i can't make hummus) and for choice two we didn't have the ingredients again so brian went to get them. by the time dinner was ready brian had to go back to work.. when he got done with work, we found that the place we wanted to go strawberry picking doesn't let you pick strawberries.

but then things got better. centa, me and the three boys read "how boots befooled the king" (one of the wonder clock plays) and we organized a treasure hunt while henry was out with brian on a walk (delivering birthday cupcakes to the foersters) and he found all the presents and we sang and we had cake which was very good.
pecans from america
violets from our garden (candied by centa)
who could ask for anything more?
found it right away!
cutting the heart cake to pieces.... 
during the treasure hunt and during the cake eating grandpapa's present kept disappearing. henry had to keep finding it. the last time we told henry to *open it quick* before it disappears again!
the game quoridor from grandpapa
it couldn't be sent regular post because of the quarantine
then we tried out the roller skates right away!
the blind and the barefoot leading the beginner
and then i went roller-blading with each of them in turn (taking more time to don and doff the equipment than actually using it)

and henry got to talk with uncle ludwig and tante lala and show them his loot and i got to talk to manuela while brian fell asleep reading to the kids.

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