Monday, May 25, 2020

meditation in the morning (146/365d)

9:15 appointment in the morning to meditate
Meditation in the morning with Renate:
I enter my own heart and find myself in an ocean, trying to follow a beacon from a submarine. when that has disappeared from sight i try to get myself to the light, but am worried about breaking the surface. i play a game where i follow the light as far as i dare and then dive back down. at some point i kept noticing consciousness returning, so i switched to a simpler place to guide myself. i lay on the rocks in a creek-bed and threw a dark beach ball up-stream and caught it when it got to me. i lay there with my elbow over my head to ward off the sun, and when i didn't need it anymore, let the ball drift off downstream. my two pinky fingers were asleep when i came back from the meditation.

Renate gave me an aloe vera plant to take home with me, and I biked home still groggy.

i returned home to find everyone fighting, but they stopped when i took them to the bike store to buy them new things, but they couldn't go in because there was a maximum person limit in the store, so the three of them stayed outside and i brought the bikes in one at a time. the guy wasn't very knowledgeable but friendly, and i took the things home and we made little mini bike modifications together.

i took theodore to his elke lesson, and went to buy henry some shirts - the first time i think that i have bought clothes for henry where they actually worked. when we got home, henry greeted us at the gate on his skates.

we practiced piano, and read indian in the cupboard for bedtime.

bruno and i had a long chat, where he noticed the bananas with the cross behind it, and thought it was an artwork, but actually it's just a real fruitbasket.
is it art?

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