Wednesday, May 20, 2020

printed memories (140/365d)

the bad news is that i'm very sleep deprived and tired...

the good news is that i had my very first "all alone" time in the morning since what feels like forever ago. i got to edit things on my computer, practice, and read in quiet - nice for a change, although i like some chaos around me sometimes.

brian and i sprayed the ants that have been crawling up the house.
first we noticed them on the plum tree by the window, and i read that mint oil would kill them so i used some essential oil on them last week. the ants hated it for a few hours. then they came back, but i think the tree half died - all the leaves turned brown over the course of a few days. then we noticed there were ants climbing up the house and into some crack near the roof. so brian held the ladder at the bottom and i climbed up, but the angle of the ladder was nearly 90degrees, and the wind was blowing and i think mostly i sprayed ant-poison in my own face and not very directly at the tiny crack. anyways they stopped crawling up there for the morning, and i felt very productive. then i saw the same ant trail on my way out this evening.

in the evening i was cranky (sleep deprived!) so i went out for a walk by myself to deliver a small birthday present to baby vito and they gave me a print-out of a photo taken on sunday...
what's printed gets remembered
on the way back i called michi, and decided to extend my walk by a few more kilometres so that we could walk together. we came back and stood by the gate in the drizzle until it began to rain in earnest. i'm not complaining! i'm completely ready for bed.

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