Friday, May 15, 2020

Falkenweg (136/365d)

Ronja came over again for homework and it worked out better this time. The bread Henry had made yesterday was very popular.

We packed for a bike ride and hike, and walked her home. Jackie had to lend us water bottles because no-one had packed them despite us having all *thought* about them... plus we can't find water along the way - because of corona virus, all the drinking fountains are shut off.

The first thing that happened was that it started to rain, and we came to a place to stop along the river and assess the situation. 4 in favor of riding on. 1 in favor of going home. So we went on. The drizzling came and went again - we were riding into the wind and into the sun.

We came to the place selling strawberries. We had been anticipating that - but nobody had packed any money.  Brian found a 10cent coin on the road, but that wasn't going to fix that problem. He promised to buy us some for breakfast tomorrow morning.

Then we hiked up "Falkenweg" which was very pretty and Henry took a photo of us all at the top.
he set the timer and placed the camera on the edge of a fire pit
i wonder if he's related to me?
On the way down, Theodore spotted a wild strawberry, so we collected those while we could, and Felix was very happy to point out the "only bad thing was that we forgot money to buy strawberries, but it didn't matter, because we found some anyways." We had to be very careful to pick our way among the very many Burgundy snails that were all over the path.

At home there were some minor tantrums, and then a fun bedtime where I read chapter after chapter of the schule der magischen tiere - a fun thing to do - a book i've never read and know nothing about other than we have a "mcdonald's" edition.

Now, as I write it the rain finally started in earnest - it is pouring out!

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