Sunday, May 3, 2020

at the foersters (124/365d)

we were all excited to finally get to VISIT somebody again! "in real" as felix says.

already at 10:30 Ronja was here to "pick up" our kids, and by 11am they were all out of the house, leaving me to have an hour of practicing and a tiny bit of time alone to pack up stuff for grilling.

then Brian did a great job grilling, and we did just what we always do with the Foersters, just hang out, chill and chat.


the clock says 10:45pm
it got later and later. the kids had pajamas and toothbrushes with them, which they dutifully used at 7pm, but at 10pm they were downstairs again, eating chocolate pudding and watching our game of carcassone. evenutally, after midnight, brian and i got to walk home alone under the stars.

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