Monday, May 17, 2021

two new cold-storage possibilities (136/365e)

I awoke at 4:30 to the sound of pouring rain. It’s the perfect time to call California so I talked a bit to nick.

Asked the kids this morning about when they thought they would need to not be reminded anymore to take baths and brush their teeth... Felix said when he’s 8 (in a few weeks), Henry said when he’s 10 ½ (in a few months) and Theodore said when he’s 150 (in a “few” years). I guess that answers that question.

Not surprisingly I needed a morning nap before I had my lesson with Elke. Her accompanist Christian sight-read the Coates with me, and I missed Brigitta's musicality terribly.

Brian and I met up together in town afterwards and bought new refrigerators. The one downstairs stopped working this weekend right after it was filled with fish. Smelly. The one upstairs has been a bit weird for a while. I do have photos of the fridge-possibilities, but... I don't think I'm going to hold them hostage for posterity.

Took kids for ice cream. Well, the kids except Theodore, who was busy on his own. Got new watch batteries. One of them cost 15euros, one only 7. I don’t understand.

Maria came over and I cut her hair outside in the yard. She was overjoyed that she wouldn’t have to spend money on a barber, and overjoyed she could just stand out in the sun and have her hair cut spontaneously on her way home.

I spent way too much time deep frying celeriac and everyone complained for one reason or another. That should teach me.

Finished watching the night at the opera AND started watching go west. Lucky kids. Poor Brian worked late.

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