Sunday, May 16, 2021

last minute procrastination (135/365e)

Theodore and 5 of his choir colleages sang so beautifully in the stadtpfarrkirche a few weeks ago that they got immediately invited to sing the same service again in church at st. veit.

We all went to listen and it was truly wonderful. We went the short distance up the hill to the waldkindergarten and hiked around in the woods for a bit, in the delightful weather and with perfect moods.

awww... terrible blurry cellphone photo with brian's broken cellphone camera
but adorable motive

Theodore and Felix and i had coffee outside in the sun with chocolate and repotted plants while Henry and Brian biked the several kilometers to Nadja’s for a lesson.

Gabriel came over and was difficult to deal with and my kids fed off that and were also difficult to deal with. We had dinner with Maria and Gabriel when she came to pick him up, and Centa and Edward also joined us. Henry gave his shark presentation one more time for everyone, and then stayed up till 10pm frantically writing cards for tomorrow.

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