Friday, May 7, 2021

everyone wants to paint! (126/365e)

I went shopping with Agnes. She made us a shopping list of both things we wanted to buy and things I told her I was not buying.

The kids had Stategg for the first time in months.

Meanwhile, I went to the piano house, “streif”, where Brigitta is teaching now. She had an hour teaching-gap that we filled with a rehearsal for Coate’s “First Meeting”… It’s such a special piece and we feel so good after playing it. Then it’s stuck in my head for hours/days afterwards.

I did an epic amount of cooking today... Made Soups and breads and stuff just to have them, and use up stuff in the fridge, and to stave off needing to cook so much for the next couple days (optimistic and unlikely)

Nina came over to paint another bob ross. I was busy running around fetching and carrying paint brushes and holding the lamp and pausing the video to give her more time. She was using a huge canvas this time, so she needed a LOT of extra time and a LOT of extra paint. It turned out pretty great. It also inspired a lot of other little mini painting projects. Agnes and I finished our canvas, made with strings. Mary painted a small canvas on the theme of the four seasons in a spiral shape.

henry helping mary

irma helping nina

In the end we made a kind-of good-by party for Mary and we celebrated Brian's first full week of work with his new company.

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