Wednesday, May 12, 2021

skype ping pong and ding-a-dong (131/365e)

Edward walked kids to school... After many days of “I’ll walk with you tomorrow” it finally worked out for all of them.

Henry has a consultation for braces. They took measurement and a cast of his teeth, none of which was fun for the poor little guy. We go back in a while and have them explain what he’ll need.

It was a rainy day and I suggested that Felix take the bus to chorus. Unfortunately he throws a tantrum when Brian meets him there and refuses to go into choir, and instead Brian carries him home.

I also rehearsed a short while with Brigitte, more of that Eric Coates piece. This time we played at her house and her family was actually a bit annoyed.

Talk to papa in the evening over skype while he and mama play ping pong in the driveway, which was just adorable. 

Klaus finished our ding-a-dong video and we all watched it several times. It’s stuck in all of our heads.

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