Saturday, May 15, 2021

congratulations to rick and maria (134/365e)

I couldn’t help it… When Pauli came over today, I raved about “bananas” and “the office” and he was so intrigued that we watched the entire movie again at 10am. That was a bit disorienting for Edward, waking up to the sounds of the movie we had just seen last night. Pauli and I rounded off our movie morning with a nice long walk.

We attended uncle Rick’s wedding to our new aunt Maria over zoom. Centa and Edward matched the food that Rick was having – blinis, and horseradish, lox and cream cheese and caviar. We didn’t go that route. We had a giant bowl of pasta and sauce and called it a day. We stayed on and watched for a long time. Sometimes people would talk to us, mostly we were (rightly) ignored. Some random strangers also joined in when we sang happy birthday to Mary. Centa also made a wedding/birthday cake and we sang to Henry a few days late for his birthday.

just married!

birthday cake

watching the wedding festivities unfold

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