Saturday, May 8, 2021

nature and painting - an award winning combination (127/365e)

Added one more string color to our canvas today with Agnes, very early in the morning and then Brian and I headed to the farmer's market with Brian

Pauli came over told us incorrectly about a plant market in our area, so I got everyone ready to go to that, and then found out on our way out that it was not to be. Since the kids were all ready to GO … we WENT. We called it Adventure Day.

the ideal picnic, as chosen by the children

The other adults said they would join us but they never did. It was just Brian and me and the 4 kids and we had so much fun all on a hike that turned into a picnic. Meanwhile Pauli admired Mary’s new painting so much that ended up owning it by buying it with compliments.

Brian picked up Henry’s cello from home and took Henry to his lesson. Theodore and Felix went to the abenteuerspielplatz and Agnes practiced roller skating with me for the first time, as Mary looked on with a mixture of worry, pride, and curiosity.

Centa was a bit annoyed with all of us because she had decided today was Fancy Saturday but nobody was around when she expected us to be. Everything was so pretty and nicely laid out, with the tea-pots matching the table cloth (thank you aunt frieda) and little broetchen that she had made carefully.

Mary and I discovered “guache” for the first time – her birthday present for Henry. It was quite addictive to use. 

awash in gouache!

I’m sad that it’s Mary’s last day, there are so many more things we would want to do together. As it was, we just had a little evening of Night at the opera, and Bath time for everyone. My hair was full of leaves.

I walked Nina home with her painting, each of us holding one handle of a huge plastic bag that was still too small for the canvas. She told me about the Romanian bear that’s been in the news for a few weeks (I don’t really read the local news so I was out of the loop.)

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