Friday, May 14, 2021

bananas (133/365e)

Tired all day and it was a day off of school. Brigitta and I went on our Friday walk anyway, I took her up to falkenweg because we had more time than normal and we practiced the siegl sonata when we got back to her place.

Henry and his friend Niklas practiced giving their little referate presentations. Henry is finally preparing for that shark thing. They were so cute with their earnestness and nervous tics.

Another stattegg orchestra rehearsal over zoom for Theodore. Henry also had a rehearsal, but his was in real life(!), so Brian took him there. Felix went to the abenteuerspielplatz so I had a small amount of time on my own to try to edit my backlog of photos. I have photos I haven't looked at for months... I just today started a new folder for the month of May. Funny though, I can't stay concentrated even for that short amount of time. I'm completely out of practice staying focused at the computer.

Centa, Edward, Barbara and her husband Jure, Edward and I watched Woody Allen’s amazing movie Bananas. I have deemed it the Funniest Movie I Have Ever Seen.

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