Tuesday, May 4, 2021

nature cures all ills (123/365e)

Emotions were still running high. I guess people didn't sleep well, and were up too late. the morning was rude, and way too angry. The day improved after that though.

Agnes and Felix and I made rhubarb cake, and then I read them Gina farina. Nina came over with croissants, so we had a lovely little outdoor picnic in the garden.

I went to picked up glass to replace the broken bookshelf door with Agnes, then it took a little extra Brian and Irma patience to screw the door on the hinges correctly. But now it works.

On the way out the door, a mercury thermometer fell off the wall and broke. That was bad. We cleaned it up carefully, it looked like the mercury stayed in the glass tube so we were lucky. I took Mary and Edward to Vogelschutzgebiet with the kids except Felix. We took photos and videos of birds and relaxed in the sun. We didn't stay long. Mary was nervous about getting to the studio on time, to record her part video. 

Stayed up late again with the siblings and the chatting.

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