Saturday, May 1, 2021

first day of filming for ding-a-dong (120/365e)

i left earlier than mary and edward to go bring the last of the lights and set things up. then makeup and dressing took a few hours, and we started shooting a bit before noon which was just in time to order pizza. going to pick up the pizza was a bit fun in unbelievably heavy makeup and fancy dresses and sneakers (our feet were already hurting with our high-heels, that we haven't worn for any reason since last year). we got some stares for sure. 

we got into the groove of filming close to when we had to leave. we did most of the scenes were all five of us are playing. but we had to stop by 8pm because of strict corona regulations.

that gave us siblings time to call up matt c for his 50th(!) birthday in worcester, and sing to him as he stood in the parking lot outside a sushi restaurant. 

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