Sunday, February 3, 2019

while you're at it why don't you give me a nice paper cut and pour lemon juice on it? (298/365b)

there are some things i'll never forget: like felix's first paper cut this morning.
he is no stranger to hurts, hard knocks, falling, pain, etc. and then he is quietly sitting there reading a book, and he suddenly screeches in pain, throwing the book away from him in shock and betrayal, and looking at his bleeding finger in surprise. "WHY DID THEY MAKE THE PAGES SO SHARP" he screams in anger. it never occurred to him he could get hurt by sitting still and reading. books are dangerous now?

the morning we spent on cleaning out stuff in the kids room. things really does pile up. we did hours of work and barely made a dent. but the kids had fun with the new bookshelves. right now they just have games on them in any which order, but that's ok for now, i think.
adding a nail to hang the thermometer/hygrometer/clock on
we went for a nice walk, because it was simply just gorgeous out. we took maps of the city, because we had 3 of them for kids, with a promise of a prize if you answer all the questions.
felix reading a map

my color harmonic menfolk
we picked up a school friend of theodore's, luki, on the way home, and we enjoyed the visit. theodore wanted luki to play a duet with him, and luki tried really hard, but his piano sight reading skills are not quite what theodore i think had in mind. they got bored quickly and went out to play football, leaving me to hang out inside with felix until i got a call of "where are you?" and realized i had messed up and thought rehearsal was at 6pm and not 16pm. stupid stupid stupid. paid nearly 20euros for the slowest taxi ever. a very short rehearsal for tomorrow....

...then a taiwanese movie (cape no. 7) with people from salonorchester. it was very funny in lots of bits, and very beautiful in tiny vignettes.

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